California Native Plants are great for any landscape.
Whether you want a trim and open design, lush trees and flowering shrubs, or even a home meadow or lawn, California native plants can fill all your landscaping needs.
Native plants are perfectly adapted for local conditions, and require little water, no soil amendments, fertilizers or pesticides, all while providing food and habitat for butterflies, bees, birds and more. Native plants for the home are a great way to make a positive contribution to environmental restoration.
At Walker’s Wildlands we have experience working with private landowners, renters, non-profits and habitat restoration teams. We also grow these plants ourselves so we can find the perfect combination of plants for your space. We also partner with several native plant landscapers in San Diego that can help with any of your unique requirements.
We offer consultations by appointment – Call, text email or contact us on social media to plan your own personal wildland. (760)-783-6140
Check out our Instagram page for more photos and information.
Landscape Gallery