About Us
Walker’s Wildlands is a California native plant nursery dedicated to environmental restoration and the preservation of biodiversity. Based in North County San Diego, we grow California’s native plants both for habitat restoration and for your home garden or landscape.
Frustrated by environmental degradation, climate change the extinction of species, and a lack of coordinated effort to fight these problems, Walker Wilson started Walker’s Wildlands in 2020 with the intention of making a direct impact on the local environment through native plants.
While acknowledging only collective efforts can solve our problems, but also wanting to contribute individually, it is apparent that these are not mutually exclusive. Walker’s Wildlands was created to both educate people about their local habitat and the issues that imperil it, and to empower them with the tools to make a direct, measurable positive impact upon it.

California's Threatened & Endangered Species
Numbers Speak For Themselves!
Why choose native plants?
San Diego County has the most endangered species of any county in the Continental U.S, and planting native plants is an easy way to combat extinction of local species. It also helps to save water, avoid the pollution caused by overusing fertilizer, and save money as well. Native plants are also beautiful and resilient, making for a landscape or garden that is superior in every aspect.