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Encelia Californica - Bush Sunflower

Encelia Californica - Bush Sunflower

Encelia Californica – Bush Sunflower

Encelia Californica is a very common sunflower in coastal areas especially, while in further inland areas. Encelia farinosa is a better choice.  This is a low shrub reaching a max of around 5ft but usually lower. Produces many small but bright yellow blooms with yellow- brown centers. This is a great choice for starter gardens or reclaiming disturbed areas of habitat as it grows rapidly and produces many seeds to spread further. In a landscape it may be best used mixed with other shrubs or as a stater as it will go dormant in hot weather, browning and drying significantly. However it is a common and therefore essential piece of coastal sage scrub habitat That not only adds color but valuable food for pollinators and other animals.

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